Women in Mining confab galvanizes women to champion sustainable practices

President of Women in Mining (WIM) Ghana, Dr Georgette Barnes Sakyi-Addo has led a powerful call to action at the annual WIM conference in Accra, urging women working in the mining sector to uplift their voices and advocate for sustainable mining practices.

She rallied, “let’s amplify their voices, recognize their achievements and commit to fostering an environment where everyone regardless of gender can contribute to sustainable mining practices.”

WIM is a non-governmental organisation dedicated to the welfare of women in mining.

Speaking to the theme, ‘Exploration to Restoration: Women’s Contribution to Sustainable Mining and Value Chain Practices,’ Dr  Sakyi-Addo celebrated women as reformation artists, highlighting their crucial role in transforming barren mining landscapes and fostering a healthier planet for future generations.

“From digital mapping to precision drilling, women have been at the forefront of technological breakthroughs. We have advocated for safe working conditions ensuring that every miner returns home unharmed and we have championed sustainable practices that protect ecosystems and benefit local communities,” she pointed out.

Addressing a diverse audience of women in mining, including geologists, engineers, and data scientists, Dr. Sakyi-Addo emphasized the importance of women’s participation in all stages of the mining value chain. From exploration to restoration, she underscored the impactful contributions made by women in ensuring safe and sustainable mining operations.

“Let’s celebrate the unsung heroes, the women who wield big axes alongside laptops, who negotiate contracts with grace and who envision a mining industry that thrives on diversity,” she urged the women in mining at the conference.

The theme for the conference, she indicated “encapsulates the entire mining journey from the thrill of exploration to the progress of restoration and who stands better to lead this change than the incredible women who defy convention, break barriers and redefine what it means to be a miner.”

Notably, Dr. Sakyi-Addo stressed the significance of restoration efforts in mining and the opportunities it presents for women to engage in the value chain and receive due recognition for their work. By involving professional women, ASL women, and community women in restoration projects, she aimed to create a more inclusive and gender-equal mining industry.

“For our sisters in artisanal and small-scale mining, their quest isn’t just about minerals it’s also about uncovering sustainable pathways, minimizing environmental impacts and leaving no stone unturned,” she argued.

 Dr Sakyi-Addo called on women in mining to seize the moment and lead the industry towards a more sustainable future. As women continue to redefine traditional roles in mining, their dedication to environmental preservation, safety protocols, and innovation stands out as a driving force behind the industry’s progress.

On her part, special guest for the conference and Chief Executive Officer of Standard Chartered Bank Ghana, Mrs Mansa Nettey encouraged women to be ambitious, articulate their aspirations clearly, and pursue their dreams without fear.

The WIM conference served as a platform for inspiration, knowledge-sharing, and empowerment, highlighting the indispensable role of women in shaping the mining sector in the West African sub region and paving the way for a more sustainable and inclusive industry.

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