Organised labour fumes against proposed sale of SSNIT’s assets

Organised labour has threatened industrial action if the proposed sale of 60 percent of the interests of the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) SSNIT in some hotels goes ahead.
It called on the Minister responsible for pensions to direct the Board of Trustees of SSNIT to “cancel the process immediately otherwise we will advise ourselves.”
A statement issued Monday May 20, and signed by the Secretary General of the Trades Union Congress, Dr Yaw Baah on behalf of organised labour said they failed to understand why SSNIT’s interests in six hotels would be packaged and sold as if all the hotels were in the same financial situation.
According to organised labour, the original proposal of the sale of SSNIT’s interests in sax hotels had reduced to four, rendering the whole process null and void.
They emphasised that they found it difficult to understand why SSNIT’s interest in the hotels should be sold to a company owned by a Minister of State, adding “we do not think that is right.”
“Organised Labour demands that the process of the sale of SSNIT’s interest in the hotels be cancelled immediately “the statement said.
The statement noted that the Workers’ Representatives had informed the leadership that they had collectively raised objections to the process and had advised that the process be halted.