Performance Tracker: A good one there

By Dr Kofi Amponsah-Bediako
The introduction of a performance tracker by the government of Ghana in 2024 is meant to inform Ghanaians about the good works executed by government in all parts of the country so as to indicate that financial resources of the nation are being put to good and responsible use in the interest of the people.
The performance tracker is a system that shows in pictorial form the various projects executed in urban and rural areas throughout the country. This can be accessed by phone or computer so as to know the various developmental projects going on in the country.
The performance tracker has the purpose or intention of unfolding developmental projects in all parts of the country. Any person who wants to know the developmental agenda in his area or district can easily access what is going on in that area. This is a beautiful innovation that has been introduced to make the government accountable to the people.
The system is very significants in several respects. In the first place, it brings transparency to government it enable everyone to know whether the government is being responsible or accountable in line with good governance practice. This is what good governance requires in all democratic countries.
Secondly, the performance tracker helps every person to cross check whether developmental programmes are being extended to all parts of the country in a fair manner. In this connection, districts or municipalities that are lagging behind in development can easily notify the government with evidence about it predicament. This ensures fairness to all parts of the country whether they voted for ruling government or not.
Another significant point to note is that through the performance tracker we are able to know the commitment and performance of government when it comes to the execution of developmental projects. This is quite good and commendable. It serves as a standard for the present and all future governments. This will help us to measure the performance of every government in the country.
Furthermore, it is significant to note that the various districts and municipalities have been given the needed facilities and infrastructure to enable them function infectively as such. With regard to road construction the performance tracker helps us to know new roads that have been built as well as old ones that have been rehabilitated or given some reshape.
In the same way, we are also able to know the water systems that have been built in different parts of the country. Again, agriculture programmes that have been implemented can all be made known to the public.
It is equally important to know that educational facilities and infrastructure that are being built are all relevant to the socioeconomic development of the country. this is what goes to promote the welfare of the people in the country.
The health facilities that are in existence have all been showcase by the performance tracker. In addition, the government has constructed or is constructing 111 hospitals through out the country. This is a programme that has been discribed at Agenda Capital 111. Under Agenda 111 various hospitals are being constructed at the district and regional levels. This means that the country can boast of district hospitals and also regional hospitals.
This is to enhance the hospitals facilities in the country. In this way, the medical facilities in the country will become easily accessible. This is how the health needs of the people are being met and any person can go on the performance track to check for him self or her self.
This and other projects can be monitored irrespective of where you are in the country. The system is , therefore , quite commendable.
In the same way, Donors and other development partners can all monitor the developmental agenda of the country. This is accountability at the highest level. It is incomparable.
Finally, it can be said that through the use of the performance tracker we are able to assess the performance of government. Against this background, the people can make up their minds as to vote for the ruling government or not. The current government, For example, has performed creditably well and it is expected that Ghanaians will vote it into power again on December 7th, 2024
This is what good governance is all about so we need to continue along this path in order to be fair and responsible to both the government and the electorate.
May God bless our country and make us great and strong today and at all times. Amen