Averting corruption: Let’s live above reproach

By Dr Kofi Amponsah-Bediako

Both men and women can be known to be principled but on certain occasions some of them have been found to be dishonest, liars and a big disgrace to the human race because of corrupt attitudes and behaviour.

Generally, however, many people will opt for women as being more honest when it comes to keeping money for organisations or the state even though we know that some women can be atrociously dishonest and corrupt.

This is not to say that men are not honest. However, the general perception is that women are more honest when it comes to money for safe keeping. This explains why the position of treasurer in groups or unions are often given to women.

Can we say that all women are truly honest?

We can not answer this question in the affirmative. The issue surrounding Sedina Tamakloe who has been sentenced for corruption and embezzlement, among others, is a case in point.

The fact of the case against her is so astonishingly unbelievable that the least said about it the better. The bottom line, however, is that the court which tried the case found her guilty of all the charges.

At a point in time she asked for permission to go  abroad for medical care. The court granted this on health grounds but the corrupt woman Sedina Tamakloe Attionu never came back for the trial.

This is a big disgrace to womanhood. Womanhood refers to

The qualities considered to be natural to or characteristic of a woman.

Such characteristics reflects honesty, truthfulness and all the positive things or behaviour we can think about in the life of a decent woman.

Today, when we Google the name “Sedina Tamakloe-Attionu “ this is the unpleasant description we come across:

 “Ex-MASLOC CEO Sedina Tamakloe jailed 10 years for causing financial loss to the State. Former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Microfinance and Small Loans Centre (MASLOC), Sedina Tamakloe-Attionu has been sentenced to 10 years in prison with hard labour”.

Is this not a big disgrace to womanhood? All politicians must take note of this and do all they can to ensure that they live above reproach at all times. We hope that everyone will agree with us on this so that embezzlement and corruption can be strongly brought under control.

If we can all do this we will be able save the country millions and billions of cedis and channel these resources into socioeconomic development for the good of all.

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